Mr. Ajay Kumar Thakur, aged 43 years is an Executive Director of the company. He is a Graduate and has experience in handling Finance & Accounts in corporate.
Mrs. Sehar Shamim, aged 57 years is a Non-Executive Director of the company. She has a vide experience in handling Design, Marketing & Finance in corporate.
Mr. Manoj Kumar, aged 47 years is a Non-Executive Independent Director of the company. He is specialized in drafting business and commercial agreements, advising on corporate commercial laws, resolving corporate structuring issues, rendering strategic advice. He has over 5 years of corporate experience in the field of Corporate Governance and Commercial Laws.
Ms. Rajiv Kapur Kanika Kapur is an Independent Director of the company since 31st January, 2020 and she possesses in-depth knowledge and having rich experience in Business Management, Finance, Accounts, Audit, etc. Her experience will help the company to grow extensively over the period of time. Her leadership abilities will be instrumental in leading the core team of our Company.
Ms. Manisha Goel is a Non-Executive Director of the company. Further she is Post Graduate (Commerce) from Delhi University and is a qualified Company Secretary. She possesses relevant experience in the field of accounting, legal and secretarial.
Mr. Sanjay Sharma is an Independent Director of the company and he has done B. Com from Delhi University and having 24 years of experience in field of accounts and taxation in the auto Industry. He is an acumen business man and having the wide experience of business development in transparent manner. A vision to lead the business in an ethical way helps the company to lead in the better corporate governance.